1. You get a first hand view of the college and answer the questions that will help you make the RIGHT COLLEGE CHOICE:
Can you imagine yourself succeeding academically and socially on this campus?
What is the student-to-faculty ratio?
What is the average class size?
What kinds of activities and social events are there?
How is the food? What are the meal plan options?
How much walking will I do each day?
How are the freshman dorm rooms? Is there enough housing for 4 years?
How is the weather?
2. A college visit gives you a chance to talk to students, faculty, financial aid and admission officers to get answers to the questions that will maximize your success as both a college applicant and a college student.
3. Get Contact Information. Request a business card from all your one-on-one contacts during your visit. Not only will you have a personal contact if you have a follow up question about admission or financial aid, but you will also be able to send your contact updates detailing new academic or extracurricular successes you have achieved. Keep the dialogue going all year, so you are more than a set of numbers during the college admissions process.
4. Check out bulletin boards to determine what the day-to-day energy of the college is. What internships are posted? What community outreach opportunities are available? What bands are coming to the campus? What fraternity and sorority activities are advertised? Pick up any official college material you see, like brochures and financial aid forms. Student newspapers and activity calendars will also give you a sense of what campus life is really like.
5. The College Visit let’s you answer the BIG Question - Does this College Feel Right?When it is to time to apply, listen to your intuition. Reflect on your college visits to make the Right College Application Choices. Did you feel at home on campus? Did you connect with the students and faculty? Is this what you imagined your 4 years at college to be like?
Prepare for your college visits at https://www.essentialcollegecoaches.com/single-post/collegevisitprep #CollegeVisits #EssentialCollegeCoaches #CollegeBound #CollegeAdmissions #CollegeVisitsMatter #CollegePlanning #CollegeConsulting